Jumat, 15 Januari 2016

Assalamualaikum ..
Hello blog, has long I do not write on my blog hehe. Now I've finished studies in college, with full battle finally I finished my studies haha. I would like to thank everyone for supporting me, especially my family, and for God's greatest blessing of Allah SWT, thank God.  I've finished my studies, and I was not disappointed, in fact I was so tired but the final mark is not bad haha, I'm done with a GPA of 3.78 and cumlaude title once again I want to say thank God, alhamdulillah, I have been a sign to fought every time, every day, it is not too excessive, but it's the truth hehe. I did not show my arrogant but I just wanted to show if we have fought we will get it.
Now I would like to thank all the readers of my blog, thanks a lot, in fact I created this blog to my task when I study in college and I realize this blog is to share what I had when I study primarily about management and marketing. I am happy because I can share knowledge to everyone.
After completion of my studies, hmm now I walked into the real world, I've had some dreams and I want to make it happen, I wanted to find a job and improve my career, to be successful to make my family happy, one more I wanted to continue my studies to Masters S2, I know it's not easy. hope I have the chance to make my dream come true hehe... i'll fight again again and again.
For this blog I really longed to write again, I wish, I'll write it again and share it again but I do not know yet. keep waiting for what I wanna share heheh.

Twitter : @nisaindriani07

Don't forget to follow, thank you and see you again guys....

Nisa Indriani